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It's a city meets country family affair.

It all started out for a project for Amanda when she was getting her Masters at Sam Houston State University. She purchased 50 baby chickens in a variety of breeds. The coop was made and the baby chicks were raised. Unfortunately being in on the land we were on, we had many predators that wiped out the majority of the flock.
When we purchased a home in Brookshire we moved with only three chickens left - Noir, Lilly, and Doug’s favorite chicken, Hei-hei. Noir is beautiful with all black feathers, Lilly is the diva and likes to pick on the others, and Hei-hei is Doug’s special cross beak. Most cross beak chickens are removed from normal farms because they don’t lay like the other chickens. It was actually understood that they might never lay. Since we had three chickens at the time, Doug took extra care of her making sure the food was always filled to the top so she could get her fair share of nutrition. A year later and 6 months after the other chickens started to lay, Hei-hei laid her first egg. Proud Dad!!
Then Doug was promised that we would only have a max of 10 chickens. Well after Amanda’s Birthday, a local visit to the feed store, a friend offering Amanda special Silky chickens, one hen showing up randomly to our yard, Amanda sneaking in a few here and there...we now have 48. Ten, forty-eight...same difference, right? :)
All of our chickens have names and personalities. They love fruits, vegetables, and especially dried worms. They look like little raptors from Jurassic Park when they come running up to the run door. Yes, they are FREE RANGE!! The coop is open in the morning and they roam all day. At night they put themselves to sleep in the coop where they rest and we close the door for protection.
Our family enjoys eating the fresh eggs they provide, but we also like to share them with our community and friends. Let us know how you’re loving our eggs and other products!

About Us: Our Farm
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